- of confidence wash over you as you begin to live the life of your dreams
- when you reach your destiny, to be “healthy and thin for life”
- when you become slimmer, happier, and feel unstoppable
- when you become healthier, stronger and jazzed about “you”
My name is Joshua Bloom, and I am an Internationally known expert in transformation. I have been helping men, and especially women, transform their lives for the past 20 years. I am the producer of the film, “The Ultimate Answer is inside!,” and have been featured on the front page of the Washington Post, as one of the first success coaches ever to be featured in the mainstream media. I have been broadcast internationally on both radio stations and TeleSeminars alike, as a pioneer in the coaching industry, and I am here now to help you become thin for life!
You can do this! You do not have to starve yourself either! Just follow my step by step system and you will be on your way.
Diets Don’t Work!
As you know from your own experience, diets don’t work. Here’s why! When you deprive yourself of food, your body goes into starvation mode, and NOT fat burning mode, which is where you want to be. At some point, your body is going to fight back, and make you crave those foods you’ve been depriving yourself of, and before you know it, you’ve gained back any weight you lost, plus more. Haven’t we all done that?
Many “experts” say that having a cheat day can help you lose weight, BUT this strategy fails almost always. When you “cheat” on your diet, purposeful or not, that’s when the cravings get out of control, and it’s literally impossible to get back on track. This fight is a losing battle when it comes to being on a diet. In my program, there is no such thing as cheating, as my program is NOT a diet at all! Let’s take the “DIE” out of diet, and simply eat healthier in an easy way, and become thin.
Ultimately diets fail because “who we are” as people, our thoughts and habits matter. As humans, we have at least 12,000 thoughts per day, but 98% of those thoughts were the exact same thoughts we had yesterday. This proves that we are creatures of habit, and habits are hard to break, aren’t they? So, your old habits and patterns creep back into your life, and then you ask, “what happened to my diet?” You’re only going to be able to stick to a diet for a relatively short period of time, but all of this is not your fault!
Restricting yourself from your favorite foods is not the answer!
Diet pills, unhealthy diet shakes, and other extreme methods don’t work either!
There is a much better, easier and more effective way!
In my program I take an entirely different approach to fat loss. Instead of depriving yourself of the foods you love, I invite you to eat those foods instead, but in a way that creates fat loss success. I also provide you with a simple, flexible and effective method to help you eat healthy long term, and joyfully become naturally thin for life. I give you simple tips that keep you on track, and help you feel amazing, all while still losing those unwanted pounds and inches.
Then I offer you something extraordinary that NO OTHER program offers anywhere! There is something that helps you get your mindset and your body in alignment with your goal to become naturally thin for life. It’s called your identity. When your mind , body and “who you are,” is in alignment with becoming thin, it makes it so easy to reach your ideal weight, and win this battle. You deserve to win!
Could you imagine fat loss being easy, let alone permanent? Well, it CAN be all of that for you! My method for getting your body to want to lose weight at the identity level, and then helping you stay thin, is all about helping you become a person who is “thin” from the inside out. When your identity, “who you are at the core,” and your actions are in alignment, not only is fat loss possible, you will never have to diet again. You will just become naturally thin for life.

YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL! You can even have bread and chocolate, and still lose weight! Yes, you will make healthier and better choices in a way that feels doable, and it may even feel like cheating. I am a big believer it easy! Because this is not a diet, you will feel free and happy to lose your unwanted extra pounds and inches, in a fun and engaging way. Join me, and discover your possibilities!!


Weekly Live Calls with Replay
I will get on a call live with you each and every week to help keep you focused on your success. The more you engage and connect with me, the more successful you will become. I will personally provide you with easy to integrate fat loss tips, exercises for transformation, learning points for discussion, and provide you with amazing tools that help you become that naturally thin you. Can’t make a call? No worries! Each call is recorded and available for you to listen to and even download. Yours to keep!

Active Community
You will be invited to an active community of people just like you, who are serious about becoming thin for life! A private and exclusive group, where you can ask the community or even me, your most important questions about fat loss and success. The community and I are active all the time, and when you require help, I’ll be there to help you.

Bonus 1: Quick Start Guide
Let’s make it super simple! This Quick Start Guide will make this really easy for you! When you start with this digital Quick Start Guide, you will not only understand how to get started, but my philosophy of the entire program. I will guide you step by step and let you know exactly what to do and when to do it. You can go at your own pace, as I teach you through video, audio, as well as PDF, exactly what will help you become successful, stay on track and finally reach your full potential. Isn’t it about time?

Bonus 2: Fat Loss Tracker
Track your success! See how successful you are each and every week with your own personal weight loss tracker. I have developed this tool to help you stay on track, so you can watch your success, as you transform the fat into a thinner, healthier, stronger and happier you.

Bonus 3: Daily Motivators:
I have created personal messages just for you that motivate, excite and help you stay determined to succeed. These recorded messages will ignite your passion, purpose, and choice to become thin, as you stay thin for the rest of your life. To truly be successful, and make this experience different than all those “diets” you’ve been on, it’s key to stay excited and passionate about your goals! It’s also important to stay on track, and this is where living on purpose will make that difference for you. It pays off! Your choices will become easier, as you stay motivated and excited by engaging this program.
This program is unlike any other program you have ever experienced. The authenticity of myself and my members, along with the care and support we provide, really goes a long way for you to make dramatic changes that will allow you to move forward in leaps and bounds. It's like a gift to yourself that just keeps on giving. It’s worth everything to me that you succeed. So join me in helping you lose those extra pounds and inches in this more effective, transformative and life long way!
My promise to you is motivation, support, accountability and Transformation. You’re going to feel unstoppable!
As a successful transformation coach for more than 16 years, I offer a “no nonsense,” and completely authentic approach to shifting your energy to help you create the body you want and become happier, healthier, and slimmer!
I invite you to consider your life, filled with excitement, joy, fun, and freedom! When you take this program on a test drive, you will discover that “you” inside, that has it all. Have the life of your dreams at the weight and size you choose to have. Here’s where you will discover that these possibilities do exist for you.

You’re absolutely covered by my 100% money back guarantee. Try it for eight full weeks … even show it to your doctor or health professional. Then prove to yourself that this program really works.
I am 100% committed to giving you everything you require to become successful, including the most powerful tools, live coaching and profound experiences of transformation that will finally create permanent results in your life starting today. I hold possible that you will create the momentum you require to transform you into success and become thin for life.
I know that if you participate fully and go for it, you will succeed!
If you’re not dropping the weight, feeling relief or having that transformation you expected, I will personally make sure that you get the extra support that you require to achieve permanent results. That’s how committed I am to your success, and that’s why I guarantee that my program will help you become naturally thin for life, when you participate fully, engage my rich content and implement my system. Full Guarantee
Good! ‘Cause I’m in the mood to help you transform
your body into the body you’ve always wanted!
At “I Am Thin For Life!,” I know you’re busy! That’s why I’ve made it my mission to help you get healthy in the most quick and easy way possible. There’s NO need to turn your life upside down. This program starts easy and stays easy. I believe that you deserve to achieve your goals, have success and live your life in the most fantastic way! I want you to have a blast becoming thin for life!
Take on this challenge and become the best you possible! I’m rooting for you to win,
and if I have something to do with it, YOU WILL!

If you are ready to take your body, mind and spirit to the next
level, then together we can create something special, more
effective and transformational.
I can’t wait to meet you inside.